What children should be able to do Ages 4-7
Personal, Social, and Emotional Development

This area focuses on children learning to work, play, build relationships, collaborate with others, and function as a group outside of the family. Aspects of PSED are promoted both in the curriculum and specific activities such as circles that promote a positive sense of self.

Physical Development.

Children develop physical control, mobility, orientation in space, and manipulative skills both inside and outside. The curriculum uses dance, gymnastics, and small play equipment. Fine motor skills are developed for improving writing, including tracing, coloring, cutting, threading, working with dough, plasticine, and many other aspects of manipulative play.

Communication and language.

All children are encouraged to participate as speakers and listeners in different situations for different audiences, using and expanding language in creative ways. They are taught to express their thoughts and feelings.

Listening and attention:

  • Children listen to stories accurately anticipating key events and react to what they hear with appropriate comments, questions, or actions.
  • Paying attention to what others are saying and react appropriately by engaging in other activities.


  • Children follow instructions that include several ideas or actions.
  • They respond to how and why questions by telling their#experiences and in# response to telling the stories of others.


Children express themselves by demonstrating an understanding of the needs of their listeners.
They accurately use past, present, and future forms when talking about events that have occurred or are to occur in the future.
They share their stories by connecting ideas and events.


The reading and writing opportunities come in different forms: some done by the teacher and some initiated by the child. Children begin with singing, reading nursery rhymes, playing with rhymes and identifying sounds through listening games. Children need reliable listening and rhyming skills if they are to make good progress in phonics and reading. After an adjustment period, children will begin to learn sounds, letters, and complex words through a structured daily phonics program called Letters and Sounds.

Pre-writing and coordination development is supported with fun, independent and regular adult-led activities while the children can practice their developing skills during meaningful play in the learning environment. When everything is ready, we ll teach the children how to write capital letters. Children read and understand simple sentences.

  • Use phonetic knowledge to decode common words and read them aloud accurately.
  • Read some common incorrect words.
  • Demonstrate understanding when talking to others about what they#read.
  • Use their knowledge of sounds to write words that correspond to the sounds they pronounce.
  • Write some incorrect common words.
  • Write simple sentences that can be read by them or others.


Includes development of aspects of math understanding through stories, songs, games, creative play, and other hands-on activities. Children learn about counting, sorting, matching, finding patterns, making connections, working with numbers, shapes, space, and measures. Problem solving skills are developed in real-life situations, both spontaneous and planned. Children confidently count from 1 to 20.

  • Arrange the numbers in order.
  • Say which number is one more or one less than the given number.
  • Using numbers and objects, children add and subtract two one-digit numbers and count in reverse order to find the answer.
  • Solve problems including doubling, dividing in half, and sharing.
  • Use everyday speech to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time, and money to compare quantities and objects and solve problems.
  • Recognize, create, and describe patterns.
  • Investigate characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.

The World Around Us.

  • Learn about similarities and differences of places, objects, materials, and living things.
  • Talk about features of their immediate environment and how environments can differ from each other.
  • Observe animals and plants and explain why certain phenomena# occur and talk about changes.

People and Society.

  • Talks about past and present events in their lives and the lives of family members.
  • Know that other children don’t always like the same things and are#sensitive to this.
  • Know about their similarities and differences between others, and also between families, communities, and traditions.
  • Know about similarities and differences about places, objects, materials, and living things.
  • Talk about features of their immediate environment and how environments can differ from each other.

Art and design.

This area of learning develops children's imagination and ability to creatively communicate and express ideas and feelings both indoors and outdoors through art, music, drama, dance and role play. Expressive arts and design activities include designing and making, using appropriate materials and equipment to cut, join, fold and assemble objects.
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