What preschool children should be able to do
These are typical concepts that young children explore in school, but they dont necessarily need to master them before entering kindergarten.Children learn these skills at their own pace. What is learned in preschool is considered a bonus.Children are taught with visuals, songs, and games. They are assessed through observation and examples of work


  • Comparisons: objects, symbols, shapes, patterns, etc.
  • Similarities and differences
  • Sorting by various characteristics: color, shape, size
  • Patterns: AB, AABB, ABC, and possibly AAB, ABB
  • Determine numbers 1-10 or greater
  • Counting objects up to 10 or more
  • One-to-one matching of objects when counting
  • Sizes: small, medium, large (3-5 sizes)
  • Shapes: square, rectangle, circle, triangle, oval, hexagon, rhombus (diamond)
  • Bigger, smaller, the same
  • Time: Day and Night, Hourglass
  • Weight: For example, what is heavier or lighter on the scale
  • Measurement with non-standard units


  • Introduction to the alphabet: names of letters and sounds
  • Recognition, writing the name
  • Know how to hold a pen, marker, colored pencil correctly
  • Retelling familiar stories
  • Drawing pictures and dictating sentences about events and experiences
  • Answering questions about stories
  • Repetition of simple children's songs and word games
  • Phonological awareness: rhyming, syllables, alliteration
  • Concepts of print patterns: direction from left to right, holding the book vertically
  • Expansion of vocabulary
  • Development of listening skills
  • Strengthening visual perception
  • Consistency
  • Development of fine motor skills: plasticine, scissors, writing utensils, Legos, etc.


  • Exploring scientific instruments: magnets, prisms, magnifying glasses, etc.
  • Exploring the world through walks in nature, gardening, and other explorations
  • Observation of insects
  • Observation of plant growth
  • Observation of weather and plant life in each#season
  • Measuring and mixing ingredients in cooking classes
  • Identifying basic colors and learning to mix colors
  • Creating observation drawings and dictations
  • Exploring the world through the senses
  • Learning about animals, where they live, and the food they eat

Creative classes

  • Exploration of different artistic processes: painting, drawing, sculpture, weaving, collage, etc.
  • Using different art materials: pens, tempera paints, water colors, colored pencils, markers, oil pastels, art chalk, clay
  • Color-mixing experiments
  • Singing traditional songs and songs that reinforce the curriculum
  • Participation in movement in songs and dances
  • Using scarves, rhythm sticks, and bags of beans to practice rhythm
  • Use of various children's instruments
  • Participating in dramatic play
  • Picture familiar stories
  • Imitating animal movements and sounds

Social skills

  • Practice problem-solving skills in social situations
  • Working in groups or with a partner on various projects
  • Sharing class materials with group
  • Practice using etiquette: "please," "thank you," "excuse me," and how to use utensils correctly
  • Communicating their needs
  • Independently attend to basic needs: cleaning, rolling up a rug, buttoning clothes, using fabric when necessary, etc.
  • Provide personal information: first name, last name, age, school name, city, country
  • Learning about types of work and labor
  • Learning about kinds of transportation
  • Participate in charitable projects
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